TITAN Group has published its 2018 Integrated Annual Report, which outlines the Group’s financial, environmental and social performance.

In 2018, TITAN delivered a solid, stable financial performance and made good progress towards meeting the environmental and social targets set for 2020, which are fully aligned with the UN Sustainability Development Goals 2030 (SDGs). TITAN navigated successfully the challenges in several of its regions of operation and capitalized on the opportunities that markets such as the US continue to offer. It also explored further the opportunities offered by the digital revolution, piloting the new technological possibilities in a wide range of applications and innovating at an accelerated pace.

The Group’s commitment to build on transparency, following international standards, is underlined in 2018 with the adoption of the United Nations – UNCTAD “Guidance on Core indicators for entity reporting on the contribution towards the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals”. This methodology allows for a more systematic monitoring and measurement of the business contribution to the implementation of the SDGs 2030.

The Report was published and is available at:
